Coming Soon, The Caribbean Affair, the 3rd and final Charles Langham Novel
An assault by the United States President's private army on his mansion leads Axmann to develop his plans for his final assault on the...
Merry Christmas
Wishing you all and Safe and happy Christmas. Gary and Davina
Two Weeks to The Atlantic Affair launch.
Its getting exciting, in just two weeks, The Atlantic Affair - the second in The Charles Langham Series is launched. Launch date: 15th...
The Pacific Affair - A review
The Pacific Affair introduces resourceful hero Charles Langham whose personal mission is to force stagnant politicians and international...
The Atlantic Affair - Available for pre-order
The Atlantic Affair - the second novel in the Charles Langham series is now available for pre-order on Amazon. Paperback – Release...
A great review for The Pacific Affair
The Pacific Affair - A Charles Langhan Novel from author Gary Paul Stephenson, has received another great review to add to the increasing...
The Atlantic Affair - News
The inside design layout is now complete - getting closer to the launch date!
The Pacific Affair - An Engaging Read - Another great review
4.0 out of 5 stars "An engaging read" By Evelyn Mok 8th November 2016 The author has made great efforts, and successfully, to bring...